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 “Personal freedom happens the moment we are liberated from self-doubting mind, uncooperative thought patterns and self-sabotaging narratives. I am coming to you with deep passion to help you discover, embrace and live up to your authentic strengths, potentials and values; I dedicate my knowledge, skills and experience to support you reaching greater clarity in setting meaningful intent and best course of actions towards achieving your personal and professional goals. It is a transformation that begins from inside out.”

Kuswadi Hedeir on Personal Leadership


Man in the Mirror

Kuswadi Hedeir Coach

I can certainly recall moments in my life where I felt stuck and overwhelmed by life's circumstances. The many months of feeling unhappy with my career direction, dealing with paralysing self-confidence and self-image issues. I experienced an overwhelming feeling like a fake. I know that much of my life has been about fulfilling others' expectations of me; and that has made me unhappy and unfulfilled.  

Although I knew that I needed to make a drastic change, but whenever I thought I was ready, my mind was quick to tell me what could go wrong, what I lacked and what people would think. It was quite a tough and lonely process for most part.

Thanks to the countless individuals who through kindness and generosity of their heart helped to hold up a clear mirror in front of me so that I finally could see, believe in and embrace my unique strengths and potentials. They were the ones who planted and nurtured the same seed of passion in my heart to be of service to others, a position that I am quite humbled to be in right at this moment.

Through these experiences, one thing I know for sure is this; the key to a fulfilling and joyful life begins with investigating, questioning and eventually mastering our mind narratives. Through which we can consciously recognise and break the no-longer helpful mind and emotional patterns that stand in between us and the life that we want. It is a personal mastery at a deeper level. It is the art of personal leadership.

Learn more about my Personal Leadership Coaching >>

As a result of the coaching, I have better self mastery – I understand how I can play to my strengths and keep myself ‘in the zone’ to better perform
— Client's testimonial